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emotional wellbeing


The Power of Healing

Sometimes it feels as if the waves of healing never lose their distinctive rhythm. Just when I feel one wave passing and I exhale into the calm ribbons that draw the current back into the deep, another resounding force crashes against the shore of wounds within my soul.



The Truth About Emotions (Why Positivity Alone Won’t Bring You Peace)

Ever heard the saying, “Positivity Is the Key”? How About, “Keep Calm and Stay Positive”?

Mantra’s like “If You Cannot Be Positive, Then Be Quiet,” and “Be Positive, Stay Happy,” and “Don’t Let Negativity Get You Down,” are rampant on social media outlets.

They pump us up. They feel good. Yet the consistent theme seems to be that we are always supposed to be positive, feel positive, stay positive. Negative feelings, it would appear, are not welcome, are not healthy.



Why You Shouldn’t Run Away From Solitude

I remember when my husband and I were first courting. He was my next-door neighbor. I travelled quite a bit and to be honest, it took me a while before I noticed him beyond the traditional neighborly wave as we passed in the cul de sac.Our relationship began casually, as neighborhood friends, but the more time we spent together, the more our relationship grew.



Touched by a Human

It was a day filled with its usual busyness. I was between clients. I was hurried, trying to check-off one more item on my “to-do” list. It was the last phone call to return. A gentleman answered. The phone call resembled many others, questions, logistics, information.
