When I wrote Peace For A Lifetime, I knew the message of healing was needed. 

I knew this material could help thousands of people overcome the chaos and broken places in their lives, and finally discover a new way of living with courage, clarity, and abundance.


Yet I never expected this. On Friday, we reached #5 on Amazon’s Best Sellers in Christian Counseling List!




I’ve been so amazed by your support and response, I have decided to extend the $57 worth of FREE BONUSES for another week, to allow more of you to take advantage of this incredible offer.


Once you purchase, send me your receipt using the form at LisaMurrayOnline.com, and I’ll send you $57 worth of gifts, including beautiful scripture printables, the pdf of the ‘Peace For A Lifetime’ Emotions Chart, the pdf of ‘Promises for Peace,’ and our exclusive Emotional Abundance Quiz.


To purchase, just click here.


Peace For A Lifetime isn’t just another self-help book, it is a journey —toward a life of hope, wholeness, and harmony that will allow you to get off the roller-coaster of pain and disappointment, and embrace a new way of living.


I cannot tell you how grateful I have been for your support this week, as I launched this book with an amazing launch party!





And as I have seen the 5-star rating and 30-plus reviews that have come in…




But it has been your personal notes have meant the world to me…


Can I just say I LOVED this book, and though I've never met the author, I've come to adore her through this book. Lisa offers healthy insight on how to discover peace in your everyday life. She is transparent and welcoming, she comes across as a friend you've known for a while, just the two of you sitting down over coffee, but through it, you learn so much about your emotional wounds and the healing you CAN receive to ultimately get you to a peace-filled life. It's a great read, I promise you will very much enjoy it. And if you don't think you need it, think again! That's what I thought at first, but while reading the book I uncovered areas of my life that needed healing. I would have never known if not for Lisa. Crystal



So order your copy today from Amazon. Then, go claim all the great bonuses at LisaMurrayOnline.com, and know I am SO excited about the lifetime of peace that awaits you as you embark on this journey!





P.S. I want to see pictures of you with your book! Share your pictures on Facebook, or Twitter. Tag me and include the hashtag #PeaceForALifetime. Each post enters you to win and you can post as many times as you like. On March 26, I’ll draw a winner and award a $100 Amazon gift card!

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