… and the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.  Anais NinThis quote comes to mind often as I gaze around me and see spring begin to unfold in full bloom. It’s how I feel inside. It's as if the cavernous chill of winter that has held me tightly in its cocoon has now begun to loosen its grasp underneath the penetrating heat of the sun. Winter is gone. Death is gone. New life is born – right here, right now.


I guess that’s why I love Easter so much. Within a three-day period, we get to experience the apex of spiritual winter – a death so profound that everything is draped in darkness.  It feels interminable. The anguish of our sin, overwhelming.  All hope is lost.  Or so it seems…


And then on Sunday, beautiful Sunday, the unimaginable happens! Mary and Martha find the stone has been rolled away. Jesus is not there. He is risen. He is risen indeed!


Out of death springs life. Out of darkness shines light. His light. I never have to fear the winter, because I know that is not the end of the story. Spring is coming.



For any of us who have experienced winter in their lives, there are three reasons to get excited about spring.


The arrival of spring means that winter is almost over.


We all need winter. God takes us gently and faithfully into barren seasons, heart-breaking seasons.  He knows all of the old, shattered, wounded parts need to be healed so that new life can grow.  Without winter, there is no spring. Without death, there is no life.


In the last weeks of winter, however, I become weary. The tepid grey skies, the endless days forced into confined spaces, and the repetition of dreariness, begin to take its toll. Spring announces that we made it through another winter season. We survived. Our hope, our healing is just over the horizon.


The arrival of spring prepares our hearts for rebirth.


There is nothing better than the first days that spring finally breaks through the waning hold of winter, and delivers the most life-giving, magical days. I can breathe again. I can hope again. All things become new.


When Jesus was crucified, it appeared that death had prevailed. There was no hope. But then on the third day, this marvelous and other-worldly, divine explosion broke through the tomb and broke through my heart, resurrecting from ashes a new light, a new life inside of me. I am reborn, in the depths of marrow and soul. I am utterly and delightfully refreshed and renewed. Spring has come. Life has come.


The arrival of spring offers the promise of hope, of new life.


Redemption ushers in unexpected restoration. Colossians 1:20-22 ESV says, And through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, He has now reconciled in his body of flesh by His death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before Him.


We, who were strangers, are now friends. We who were enemies, are now brothers. Jesus has reconciled all of my sin in His sacrifice on the cross, and now I am holy and blameless in His sight.


We are a new creation. We have a new identity. Our identity is as one who is beloved and chosen of our Father. We have hope for a future. Spring reveals to us that there are new seeds of life continually being planted within us. As winter seasons fulfill their purpose in our lives, so spring fulfills its purpose. Spring prepares and nurtures the crops for the harvest.


He has called you. He has a plan for you. He wants you to experience His life, His love, His freedom, His peace. He wants to heal you. He wants to plant new passions and purposes within you. He wants to bring forth a new harvest in your life.


The arrival of spring means that winter is almost over.  Whatever the winter is in your life – it won’t last forever.  Spring is coming. Spring prepares our hearts for rebirth.  Old things truly are dead and buried in the ground – behold ALL things are new in Him!  The arrival of spring offers the promise of new hope. The journey is not over.  Just as the blooms on the daffodils are beginning to unfold from their slumber and display God’s glory, so you too, are just beginning to blossom.  Embrace it.  Celebrate it.


My book, Peace for a Lifetime, shares how we can embrace whatever season in which we find ourselves to discover the healing, the wholeness, and the abundant life God has for us.  I share practical life steps that can help you experience an enduring peace.  We don't have to stay trapped in the winter seasons of our lives.  We can reach out and grasp hold of spring.


To Order The Book Click Here


Spring is beautiful!  Spring is God's gift to us.  Spring reminds us that God is bigger than our circumstances or pain.


Don’t remain tightly closed in a bud. Step out. Risk. Embrace all that God has for you and begin to see your life blossom in bold and brilliant ways!





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