I’ve spent the last fifteen years in my professional career researching the qualities that make individuals better able to effectively navigate their lives, their careers, their relationships. It’s not rocket-science, but most of us have never been shown the map, so to speak! 

Why are some people better able to deal with the stresses of life while others seem to crumble under the demands that life and relationships can bring?


Scientists have actually proven that our emotional intelligence is a greater predictor of success in life than our intellectual intelligence! EQ determines 80% of success in life vs. IQ determining 20%! WOW! Who knew?


All of the money parents spend on their children’s education, sports, etc. is largely wasted if we haven’t taught them these simple, practical life skills that will increase their Emotional Abundance (EA).


EA brings increased stability, satisfaction, as well as overall happiness and wellbeing in life.  EA allows us to navigate our emotions and make clear, wise decisions in our lives, our careers, our finances, and our relationships.




I want to share my discoveries with you. I want you to have access to information that can not only transform your life, but can dramatically influence the future success of your family, your children and their future families.




In a few short days, the information that I’ve learned and share every day with my clients, I will share with you.


  • Do you feel stuck in life?
  • Do you every wonder if there is more to life than what you are experiencing?
  • Do you long to experience hope, wholeness, and harmony in your relationships?
  • Do you want your children to be equipped to manage their lives and relationships successfully?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, chances are that you could benefit from the life-changing information found in Peace For A Lifetime.


On Monday, March 7, I’ll be releasing my new book, Peace For A Lifetime. I’ll also be sharing information about some gifts I have for you.


Your healing is right around the corner. Your future is waiting to begin!


Get ready!!




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